Manufacturing Solutions
Industrial Automation


Bosch solutions to ensure safer processes and protection for the operator

The Regulatory Standard no. 12 (NR12) set up by the Ministry of Labour establishes minimum safety requirements for working in machinery and equipment. The aim is to ensure the safety of the operators in performing their functions and that the machines and equipment are suitable for that activity. It is aimed at preventing occupational illnesses and accidents, and provides better working conditions, and provides an effective safe fault concept.

Bosch solutions to ensure safer processes and protection for the operator

Bosch identifies risks and offers solutions

Bosch experts identify unadjusted machine and equipment sets and implement solutions to meet the NR 12

Meeting the NR12 is not optional, mandatory

Bosch offers full support for adapting machines and equipment to the NR12. Experts analyze the machinery to issue a technical report, making an assessment of potential risks they offer to operators and the collective, pointing out which adjustments are needed to meet the standard.

The intention is to compare the current conditions of this machinery with that of the NR12 based on the interpretation of the standard. Bosch also provides solutions and manpower for performing modifications on the machinery when required. They involve changing or deploying hardware and electronic modifications. Adjustments can be made on the basis of an already issued report.

Commitment, quality, and excellence that only Bosch can offer

Bosch carefully interprets the NR12, compares it to the machinery, identifies aspects that need to be modified and indicates the best solutions for every need. Apply all your expertise to the adjustments, delivering exactly what is presented. Bosch solutions focus on maximum quality and safety at the lowest cost.

The partnership with Bosch therefore ensures: technical reliability, agility and production security.

Wins for your process

Operator safety

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Reduction of corrective maintenance

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Production increase


You can contact us Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 18:00.


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